Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use
Thank you for trusting us with your information. We value that trust, and that’s why protecting your information, and being clear about how we collect, use, exchange and protect your information, is of huge importance and a vital part of our relationship with you.
Your privacy is important to us. This Policy outlines how Ownright Custom Finance Pty Ltd and its related companies, (“we / us / the Group”) collect, disclose, use, store or otherwise handle personal information. It is important to us that we manage your personal information securely and consistently with relevant legislation, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) (“Privacy Act”) as well as the Credit Reporting Privacy Code (where applicable).
This Policy explains:
• The kinds of personal information (including credit-related information) we collect;
• The purposes for which we collect this information;
• How we manage the personal information that we collect about you;
• How you can seek access to and correction of that information;
• If necessary, how you can make a complaint relating to our handling of that information.
• This policy is not limited to current customers or guarantors of customers (where applicable) – it relates to all other individuals who deal with us, whether in relation to the provision of credit or otherwise.
Collection from third party sources –
We may collect personal information from someone other than you, and you may not be aware of the collection, when it is not reasonable or practicable to collect it from you, and it is available from:
• other companies in our group that you may have dealt with
• third parties like our business partners including brokers
• our contractors and other representatives that you may deal with
• third party platforms and services (such as services to access your bank statements, credit bureaus and social media)
• our websites and how you use them
• various parties listed under Disclosing personal information in our Privacy Policy.
Collection under law –
We may be required to collect personal information by law.
Why we collect and hold personal information –
We collect and hold personal information because:
• we may need to use it to operate our business
• we may need to provide it to other parties in connection with our business (including lenders and brokers).
The uses and disclosures we may make of personal information are detailed in our Privacy Policy.
Unavailability of personal information If we cannot collect the information we need about you, we may not be able to supply the products or service you want.
Disclosing personal information –
We may disclose personal information as reasonably required to lenders, brokers, contractors and suppliers whose goods and services that we use to operate our business and provide products, services and support to you, and to other parties detailed in our Privacy Policy.
Some of these parties may be based overseas, eg. USA, UK, NZ and Canada.
Access and correction –
Our privacy policy contains information about how you can access and seek correction of the personal information about you that we hold.
Complaints –
Our privacy policy explains how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, and how we will deal with such a complaint.
Personal information-
This refers to information or an opinion about a living person who is identified or reasonably identifiable, whether or not true and whether or not recorded in material form.
Kinds of personal information we collect and hold –
Broadly, we may collect and hold:
• personal details like name, date of birth, gender, occupation, passport number, and in some instances photographs
• contact details like physical, postal, work and email addresses and phone numbers
• financial details like bank statements including ongoing bank statements for the term of the loan, and your credit report
• service-related details like your social media user names, employment history and website / service usage history, support incidents, enquiries and complaints
• other details relating to special situations.
In any case, we only collect personal information that is reasonably necessary to support our functions and activities. If we cannot collect the information we need about you, we may not be able to supply the products or service you want.
Collecting personal information –
Unless it is not reasonable or practicable to do so, and in other cases allowed by law, we will collect personal information about you directly from you (eg when you contact us by phone or online, or at our premises).
In other cases, we may collect personal information about you from:
• other companies in our group that you may have dealt with
• third parties like our business partners including lenders, brokers and agents
• our contractors and other representatives that you may deal with
• third party platforms and services (including social media)
• other details relating to special situations.
• our websites and how you use them
• from servers upon which our products and services operate from (whether those servers are hosted by you, by us, or any third party)
• various parties listed under Disclosing personal information in our Privacy Policy.
Holding personal information –
We hold personal information in hard and/or soft copy at our offices and in other facilities that we own or license from third parties, like data centres. We take all reasonable steps to keep it secure and to protect it from unauthorised access, use or alteration.
Why we collect and hold personal information –
• We collect and hold personal information because:
• we may need to use it to operate our business
• we may need to provide it to other parties in connection with our business.
• Using personal information
We may use personal information:
• to identify you (including for lenders and brokers)
• for credit checks
• to prevent fraud
• to supply products and services to you
• to give you information about us (our partners and related entities) and our (partner and related entity) products, and product offers
• for direct marketing – see Direct marketing for details
• to improve our products, our marketing and our website
• to answer your enquiries
to give you customer support and service
• to better understand your needs and respond to them
• to manage and plan our products and business
• to charge and bill you for products you use
• to collect payment from you
• for other purposes related to the operation of our business, including to allow lenders and brokers to enforce the terms of any legal agreements.
Disclosing personal information –
• We may disclose personal information as reasonably required:
• to contractors, partners (including lenders and brokers) and suppliers who supply or support us in:
• market research, sales and marketing
• direct marketing – see Direct marketing for details
• identity and fraud checking
• helpdesk and enquiries
• support and complaint management
• communications and mailing
• billing, debt recovery and credit management
• corporate strategy
• legal and regulatory advice and compliance
• accounting and financial planning
• risk management
• otherwise providing goods and services that we use to operate our business and provide products and support to you
• to your authorised representative/s.
• if you ask us to do so
• to our agents, and members of our corporate group
• to our business partners (such as lenders and brokers)
• to organisations that provide credit or finance to us
• to persons who invest in or acquire all or part of our business or company, or are considering doing so.
Direct marketing –
By applying online or via the telephone, you are also giving consent to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions, which gives us your consent to use and disclose personal information to direct market to you products offered by us, our agents, and members of our corporate group, and our business partners, where we think the offers will be of interest to you, using:
• post
• email
• electronic messaging
• social media
• targeted web content
• other direct marketing channels.
Direct marketing may continue until you opt-out by calling the number in Contacting Us even if you are no longer our customer.
Accessing and correcting personal information –
Please contact us for these purposes using the details in Contact Us page. We shall process and respond to your request in accordance with Australian Privacy Principle 12. There is no charge for making a request but a reasonable administrative charge, on a cost recovery basis, may be payable before we agree to provide access.
Complaints –
If you wish to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, please contact us using the details in Contact Us page.
We shall:
• acknowledge your complaint within a reasonable time
• give you an estimated first response time
• allocate your complaint to a suitably senior staff member
• process and respond to your complaint as soon as we reasonably can.
Direct marketing may continue until you opt-out by calling the number in Contacting us even if you are no longer our customer.
Contact Us –
Questions, requests and complaints regarding our Privacy Statement or our compliance with privacy laws should be directed to us by via our Contact Us page.